Always A Reason to Smile | Teen Ink

Always A Reason to Smile

February 8, 2016
By ReillyHutchison BRONZE, Rehoboth, Delaware
ReillyHutchison BRONZE, Rehoboth, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I speak for the poor

who struggle everyday to make ends meat


I speak for the hungry

Who don't know where their next meal is coming from


I speak for the lonely

Who cry themselves to sleep


I speak for you


You have a purpose

If you believe

You can accomplish anything


You have a voice

That you shouldn't let be drowned out

By other peoples opinions


You have dreams

That you should never give up on

until they are achieved


You have a life

Full of honor, love, and respect


No matter what happens

You have a reason to smile

The author's comments:

I came up with the idea for this piece while i was riding the bus, and we passed the town soup kitchen, which is where many of the homeless people go for food. It made think how no matter what is going on peoles life something can always make them smile. For instance the soup kitchen might make the homeless smile because they feel safe, and loved there.

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