A Nail Driven for Love | Teen Ink

A Nail Driven for Love

February 14, 2009
By KristinPatricia BRONZE, Bremerton, Washington
KristinPatricia BRONZE, Bremerton, Washington
4 articles 4 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;A good book should leave you slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading it.&quot; <br /> -William Styron

In my mission to let go of the past;
To become one-up on hurt long endured,
I searched for love never ceasing to last.
My product 'only loneliness secured.

Pain held up strong like a nail set in wood;
I was soon lost in the journey's demand.
Knowing I yearned just as any heart should,
I went and combed through each acre of land.

False guides influenced my every routine;
That 'love' that I found was fake, just like me.
I wanted a peace so calm and serene,
But life proved empty as empty could be.

From all this I've learned only God provides;
The love that I need has been right by my side.

The author's comments:
We were required to write a formal Shakespearean sonnet in my English class. It had to be about love. Normally, I'm not one who can write based off of strict guidelines like in a Shakespearean sonnet (14 lines, every other one rhyming for the three quatrains and the couplet rhyming too. also, each line had to have ten syllables), so I was surprised when I felt so inspired. These words just came, smooth as butter. Let me know what you think; I would appreciate it so much!

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