The Keeper | Teen Ink

The Keeper

February 14, 2016
By jfisher BRONZE, The Plains, Virginia
jfisher BRONZE, The Plains, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Some things you may see

Some you may discover

But despite your ability

I'll always keep hidden another


You may have done great deeds

Of pulling up some truth 

But for the greatest mysteries

I still maintain from you


Sometimes you cannot win

And with these you will never

In search for what I've hidden 

You shall find an endless endevour


The details vague, the truth disguised

I'm sure you find it depressing

But try again and you shall find

That I'll only keep you guessing

The author's comments:

The numerous mysteries and unanswered questions that I have encountered in life inspired this work. Mainly those mysteries that our so significant to many people but remain unsolved. Since many of these questions seem to have no answer in sight, I felt as if a third party kept the answers from us, and in this poem, I personify it and talk from its perspective. 

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