FREE LOVE | Teen Ink


February 24, 2016
By kSp15 SILVER, Columbus, Ohio
kSp15 SILVER, Columbus, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Since when do you have the right
To tell me who I love
Since when have you had the right
To tell me anything
Last time I checked I am my own person
I have the power inside me,
Inside my soul
To make my own decisions,
My own mistakes,
And learn from it.
When did I tell you what to do
On Sunday
At church
At home
In life
With your job
With your family
And when did God tell you that because I
love someone with the same genitalia
That I'm not a person
Last time I checked we should love everyone
My romantic life shouldn't matter
To you or to anyone
But the one I love

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