Just a Someone | Teen Ink

Just a Someone

March 31, 2016
By AllisynJonsie BRONZE, Dittmer, Missouri
AllisynJonsie BRONZE, Dittmer, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I get so angry

Seeing you unwind

In the arms of someone new

Someone who didn't really know you


When you let her know

The things you once held

When you tell them something cruel

Someone whi didn't really know you


When you spread the lies

Of your once best friend

To someone new

Someone who didn't really know you


People that think less of me

Oh? Did you really think I cared?

Thinking less because of you

Someone who didn't really know you


False promises

Fake people

When you thought this was through

Someone who didn't really know you


When the depression hits

And I'm swallowed in grief

That's when I realize you confide in someone new

Someone who didn't really know you

The author's comments:

The loss and moving on from an old "best friend"

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