Skipping Stones | Teen Ink

Skipping Stones

March 30, 2016
By autumnrosiee SILVER, Marshfield, Wisconsin
autumnrosiee SILVER, Marshfield, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We were young
when we first met
beside the small creek
that flows in between our houses.
Back then we fought.
I had no idea back then
that we would grow
really close to one another.

We both loved nature,
and during the summer
we spent all our time
down by the creek,
catching frogs and fish,
throwing stones,
And getting to know one another.

During middle school
we became best friends
and grew more attached
to each other.
I fought with you back then
because I wanted the best for you.

Then came along highschool,
we became older.
You were having a hard time, as was I.
But you never left my side
and I thank you for that.
I will never leave yours.

We sat down by the little creek skipping stones,
well you were, I had trouble skipping them.
Thank you for teaching me,
Because now I can skip them a little.

It’s the little things you do.
You make me happy,
and full of love.

But you skipped away,
Disappearing into the water like the stones.

Even though you moved,
the memories and love
stayed with me in my heart
and will always be kept there. 
I miss it so much.

You’re  an amazing,
important person.
You are one of a kind,
and mean a lot to me.
I love you.
Thank you for being here,
forever and always.

Without you in my life,
I would never
be able to skip stones.

Now I understand,
because some of the most beautiful
stones skip away and sink,
leaving only a ripple. . .

The author's comments:

My best friend moved away, and I've known her for many years. I am all alone without her, and I miss her very much. I wrote this poem to her as a going away present, and it means a lot to both of us.

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