Ode to Fire | Teen Ink

Ode to Fire

May 16, 2016
By dels.lemonade SILVER, Newbury Park, California
dels.lemonade SILVER, Newbury Park, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
All monsters are human.


and she appears

she does her dance for me

her glowing ribbons flow in the wind

I am careful not to cry

or she will get angry and leave my eye her beauty is electrifying but I mustn't touch or

hurt me,she will

I leave for a moment, still near

she disappears

feet follow her smoky trail

signs of her seen on black trees

though not serene

I try to stop her

a game of tag beginning

scampering like an untamable beast

running wild between branches

earth scorches

she's easy to track

unable to keep with her pace

I make eye contact

beg her to stop right in the face

growing before me

surpassing my height

eyes of mine begin to widen

beauty turns to anger

warm aura becoming unbearable

rage growing out of control

my choices are to zero

I cry cold air caging in on me

she departs and dies

her time reverses

a mere baby once again

dwindling down


knees sinking to the ground

my hand on her dusty remains

dull greyness between my fingertips

my head is bowed

thanks are given

my swears are vowed I rise

walk away with little cries

she will be summoned again someday

but for now

she is gone;


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