Always There | Teen Ink

Always There

February 28, 2009
By Ashley Leung BRONZE, Manahawkin, New Jersey
Ashley Leung BRONZE, Manahawkin, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Forever a friend
Years and years of friendship
I would go crazy and freak out
Yet, she didn't care she still loved me
I couldn't figure it out
Yet, I still couldn't understand why she puts up with me
I couldn't grasp the reasoning for her not kicking me to the curb
Not until now
I finally realized it when she said,
'We are always going to be best friends.'
I realized that she would always be there
She would always love me for me
She would always have my back
Forever friends
Forever a person to depend on
I forever cherished those words
Best friends
The words ring forever
Until the day we die
On our graves it will say
Forever best friends

The author's comments:
Just something about friends and how they will stick by you no matter what.

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