The Exhausted Eskimo | Teen Ink

The Exhausted Eskimo

September 21, 2016
By Degenerate_Demi BRONZE, Reisterstown, Maryland
Degenerate_Demi BRONZE, Reisterstown, Maryland
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Once you want to free your mind about a concept of harmony and music being correct, you can do whatever you want.<br /> So nobody told me what to do and there was no preconception of what to do.

I am the exhausted eskimo

I waddle around like a penguin

Wander in a pack like a wolf

And kill like a praying mantis

My friends and I speak a different language

Yet we have so much in common

We survive, we sleep, and we sing

Sing so loud we could cause an avalanche


There are only three things in this world that can make an eskimo cry: feeling happiness, experiencing loss, and peering at the sun.

But sometimes I’m thankful for this

Because only in the cold, can you feel the warmth

The author's comments:

This is the first poem I have ever written.

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