Dead Ends | Teen Ink

Dead Ends

December 9, 2016
By KristenGadbois BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
KristenGadbois BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Here we go again
To the doctors and white walled rooms
When will I ever feel better?

“Please rate your pain from one to ten”
I hope they will lower my number soon
Here we go again

I have been here before but don’t know when
“please sit on the ‘sick side’” they always assume
When will I ever feel better?

I look out the door and see white-coated men
Please one of them tell me I’m not headed for doom
Here we go again

Another prescription written in fine blue pen
From one of the doctors in perfect costume
When will I ever feel better?

We are back to the scale, from one to ten
The doctors have run out of ideas I presume
Here we go again
When will I ever feel better?

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