I Miss You | Teen Ink

I Miss You

March 14, 2009
By stephanie_miranda PLATINUM, Reston, Virginia
stephanie_miranda PLATINUM, Reston, Virginia
23 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Ever since the day you passed things have never been the same.

I knew it had to come someday but I never knew that day would come so soon.

I miss you.

I miss the way you used to make me feel

And the way you used to show your love.

I hate that you're gone and that I never got to sat goodbye.

I feel like we never got the chance to love each other.

I miss you so much with all my heart.

Ever since that day everyone has been different

Why did you have to go? Why did he take you?

I guess heaven was missing an angel

But I still can't admit to my self that you're really gone

I miss you.

You would always be happy and joyful

You were always the one that lit up the room

You were truly an inspiration

Always doing what ever was needed to keep food in the table

And a roof over there heads

I miss you

It wasn't your time to go

It wasn't fair

You are the one I will always miss

You are the one that will be in my heart

You were the ne that made me happy and now you're gone

I can just sit here and cry while I reminisce about all the good memories

That you brought to all of us

I miss you

I miss your sent

Your smile

Your heart

Your warmth

And most of all your love

All that you have done is in the past

And now the only thing I can do is look at your picture

Crying is all that can comfort me because I think about all the

Happiness you have brought to all of us

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