Incompleteness | Teen Ink


March 15, 2009
By Audrey Djiya BRONZE, Dingmans Ferry, Pennsylvania
Audrey Djiya BRONZE, Dingmans Ferry, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every time Jordan came home
Jordan was scared, Jordan was alone
There was nothing she could do to make that feeling erase
But she hid it, she hid it without a trace
She put a smile on her face everywhere she went
She laughed and talked always with excitement
But no one could feel the pain and sorrow she felt and hid
And when she cried no one asked if she was okay no one ever did
She was surrounded by everything: friends, money, great clothes, great hair
All that did not matter to her, Jordan didn't care
She was a dark dead light bulb, even when surround by light
Jordan tried to light up with all her might
But Jordan thought, 'What difference would it make?'
'No one would notice whether I felt dead of awake'
So a couple weeks later on the last day of school
Her parents walked into the room only to find her in a red pool
Everyone would miss Jordan and cry that she was gone
But after months and maybe years everyone would move on
And Jordan, Jordan maybe then someone just someone will hear your heart wrenching song.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 21 2009 at 9:44 pm
lonelylife711 SILVER, Grand Rapids, Michigan
6 articles 1 photo 16 comments
WOW!!!! what a scary topic, yet you wrote about it in a very real, and captivating way. i can't help but wonder if it's a true story? read my poem please- it's called the invisible circle. (by anonymous in MI)