Free | Teen Ink


March 16, 2009
By morgan kuzemka BRONZE, Huntington Woods, Maine
morgan kuzemka BRONZE, Huntington Woods, Maine
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

like a butterfly,
soaring in the air.
so smooth & free,
like a man with no hair.

if only one day,
i could be that free.
so spacious & open,
if that butterfly were me.

a little bee doesn't know,
that he's lucky too.
he has the option,
of whatever to do.

oh! United States of America,
is the "land of the free."
but humans are nothing,
not as much as that little bee.

how could it be,
humans deep down inside.
are nothing at all,
just waiting to die.

does that make you angry,
wanna crawl up in a ball?
that you mean nothing more,
than that cute animal.

this poem may be strange,
not like all the seem.
but sad to say it's very true,
humans really aren't as lucky.

how free are we truly?
you may need time to think.
well express your thoughts here,
along with me on "teen ink" :)

The author's comments:
i was just thinking, it didn't take long at all. it just came out. weird, but sadly true. well, hope you enjoyed & got the point. PLEASE share your comments & also your thoughts on this topic.

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