What Happens? | Teen Ink

What Happens?

March 25, 2009
By stephaniekip PLATINUM, Cranford, New Jersey
stephaniekip PLATINUM, Cranford, New Jersey
47 articles 5 photos 18 comments

What happens…
When you don’t want to be at home but going out hurts more?
When all you want to do is fall off the planet?
When the guy who stole your heart is laughing in your face?
When you know you can never take his perfect girlfriend’s place?
When you’re not Good Enough to take her place?
When he’s the only one who can make you feel complete,
But you’re too busy struggling to get your head out from under everybody’s feet?

What happens when all you can think to do is drive so fast in any direction,
Not caring where you’ll end up,
Not caring where you’ll be?
As long as it’s so far away from those awful words “you and me.”

What happens when the person you cry on put you there in the first place?
Do you call your friend up on the phone screaming “Get me away from this place?”
What happens when you ask a question to find destruction in your answer?
What happens when you call your friend and even they don’t answer?
What happens when his jacket is still lying in your closet?
When it’s obvious you don’t want it.
When it hurts you to be honest,
Do you tell the truth,
Or don’t you?
Do you tell him he’s the reason for the smile in the window?
Or is he so oblivious that he couldn’t figure it out on his own?
Or should you just send him this poem?
What happens when the first person who hurt you is the last that you let go?


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