Indescribable Love | Teen Ink

Indescribable Love

March 25, 2009
By Angelo Zeno SILVER, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Angelo Zeno SILVER, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Some books are made with ink
Some books are made with lead
Some books are made with technology
My books are made of tears
My books are stories of love
Each tear drop holds a different part of her
Each tear drop describes her too me
You see writings, words and paragraphs
I see the most beautiful woman ever
Elegant in everything she does
Gentle in every touch
Persistent in our love
She is like no other woman
Words cannot describe her to you
I am bound by words to express how i feel about her
What words can possible describe her
Nothing, i am blank. I see her...but no words
My mind cannot comprehend how she looks
How she speaks
How her gorgeous smile seduces me
Oh, my love, how i desire you
How much i wish to be with your forever
But my love, you are like nothing i ever seen
You are Indescribable

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