Am I ready? | Teen Ink

Am I ready?

May 24, 2018
By vrose18 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
vrose18 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Am I ready?
Orientation day on the calendar next to graduation parties.
A new self, recreated from mistakes made in high school.
People waving at me, as tho they think they know me.
Am I ready?
Picking out a job that will be permanent like a meaningful tattoo.
Long hour spent in the library, questioning why I procrastinate.
Missing my family back in Wisconsin, their hugs, laughs, and smiles.
Am I ready?
To pick a path and try to reach the finish line that is miles away.
To find an occupation that will not only support me, but one day a family.
On my own finding who I am amidst thousands doing the same.
Am I ready?

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