Poems written by teens | Teen Ink


Most discussed Poetry

By BreeTayler PLATINUM
Carlisle, Arkansas

When I walked into the classroom I noticed my teacher was not there In her place was an old man with a gentle but ghostly stare He stood with sagging shoulders but his head was u...
BreeTayler PLATINUM, Carlisle, Arkansas
30 articles 0 photos 57 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Where there is love there is life." --Ghandi

By sasssgirrrl22 PLATINUM
Pearl River, New York
sasssgirrrl22 PLATINUM, Pearl River, New York
27 articles 0 photos 266 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Giving up is not a part of my vocabulary.&quot;<br /> &quot;Don&#039;t let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.&quot;<br /> &quot;Truth be told I miss ya, truth be told I&#039;m lying.&quot;

By MariaMarie DIAMOND
Washington Court House, Ohio
MariaMarie DIAMOND, Washington Court House, Ohio
70 articles 0 photos 181 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Life&#039;s a mountain on a beach&quot;-Unknown<br /> &quot;Will: This is either madness or brilliance. Sparrow: It&#039;s remarkable how often those two traits coincide.&quot;-Pirates of the Caribbean:Curse of the Black Pearl.

Sarbear GOLD, Milan, Ohio
10 articles 4 photos 489 comments

Favorite Quote:
--Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you&#039;re a mile away from them and you have their shoes.<br /> --When life gives you lemons, squirt them in people&#039;s eyes.

By Zazawish777 GOLD
KC, MO, Missouri
Zazawish777 GOLD, KC, MO, Missouri
16 articles 2 photos 100 comments

Favorite Quote:
life isn&#039;t passing me by, it&#039;s trying to run me over!

By teenbookworm14 PLATINUM
Plainfield, Connecticut
teenbookworm14 PLATINUM, Plainfield, Connecticut
41 articles 0 photos 164 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Nothing gold can stay&quot; -Robert Frost

By Jenna4Jesus BRONZE
New Brunswick, North Carolina
Jenna4Jesus BRONZE, New Brunswick, North Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 65 comments
By FaithSnyder16 ELITE
Metamora, Ohio
FaithSnyder16 ELITE, Metamora, Ohio
180 articles 8 photos 97 comments

Favorite Quote:
Write what you know, and dream of. - Jane Austen<br /> People throw rocks at things that shine - Taylor Swift<br /> Just Keep Swimming! Just Keep Swimming! - Ellen DeGengeres as Dory

By tiffgeexo-xo GOLD
Grand Forks, North Dakota
tiffgeexo-xo GOLD, Grand Forks, North Dakota
13 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
The only person who can destroy you is yourself.

By AlexandraVasari PLATINUM
Fort Stewart, Georgia
AlexandraVasari PLATINUM, Fort Stewart, Georgia
28 articles 4 photos 174 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Writing songs is super intimate. It&#039;s a bit like getting naked&quot;~ Gwen Stefani