Flowers Grow with Love | Teen Ink

Flowers Grow with Love

October 4, 2018
By namelessannika BRONZE, West Warwick, Rhode Island
namelessannika BRONZE, West Warwick, Rhode Island
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This poem is for my classmates, friends, and for myself. Because I think we all need to be reminded of each and every metaphor.

To whoever finds this poem,

I hope you read it through

For it's a letter to myself,

But also one from me to you.

I hope my future self will learn,

To be the best that I can be,

And with no more further interruptions,

Here goes nothing; dear me,

I know you have this worry,

That you'll never be enough,

For school, or friends, or family

And sometimes even for yourself.

But you can't let it control you,

Or it's all you'll ever hear,

You must learn to inhale courage

And to exhale all your fears.

But don't be so strong you can't break,

And don't be so smart you can't wonder,

Don't believe you only need sunny days,

When there's beauty in all of your thunder.

You must learn to hold strength

And darkness equally well,

You must be half Angel,

But also half hell.


You're not a victim of life,

For you could make a revolution,

You may be your own problem,

And also your solution.

Even with the dark moments,

There’s potential to spare,

For how could a flower grow,

If it’s never raining there?

And you must know this for yourself

Don’t wait for people to make room,

If they can’t love the flower’s seed,

Do they deserve to see it bloom?

Those people may not find value,

In non-material success,

But if all the world was blind,

How many people would you impress?

It may be easy to be selfish,

To let this world fill you with hate,

But how we walk with the broken speaks louder,

Than how we sit with the great.

So do yourself the favor,

And learn to forgive and love and agree,

For kindness is a language the deaf can hear,

And all the blind can see.

Don’t ever lose sight of that sweetness,

No matter what you’re going through,

Because a flower is going to grow out of it,

And that flower will be you.

And if you ever feel misguided,

Or feel like you’ve lost yourself within,

Just remember that it’s never too late,

To be who you might have been.

The author's comments:

Thank you for reading my work! This excerpt of many of my poems has come to be one of the most adored amongst the one's who have read it. I wanted to give the readers of my poem a sense of empowerment without dismissing their stresses. I write many kinds of poems (mostly ballads) with many topics. I hope you feel as enthralled by my work as I felt writing it.

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