I am a mirror | Teen Ink

I am a mirror

May 24, 2021
By Anonymous

Mirror, mirror on the wall

You are me

And I am all

And even though I may fall to the ground

Shatter, break, and cry out a sound

Mirror, mirror don’t you see

I am you

And you are me

And when we break

And when we cry

No matter what

We will always reflect another side

And if that side is strange or unusual

Paranormal or scary

Just know that no matter what

We are the same

Mirror, mirror I have something to tell

We are the same, that's very true

And when I hurt

I hurt you too

But I don’t want to hurt to you

You’ve been there my entire life

Keeping me safe and holding me tight

But we both shatter

And we both break

It happens so often

I’m not sure how much more I can take

Mirror, mirror help me please

I don’t want to give people seven years of bad luck; don’t you see?

I’m hurting you and I’m hurting myself

For every night is another battle

And I don’t know what to tell

I talk to others, I talk to you

Which means I talk to myself too.

For you are me

And I am you.

Please help me I don’t know what to do.

Those years of my life have bruised and scarred me

Have dirtied up mirror

And reflect a different side

One that's not true

One that is fake

One everyone sees

But no one could break

But someone came

And helped me out

But soon

They showed

They were no friend

They were a foe

I screamed and cry

The mirror broken

No one there

To build up

To fix my mirror

To fix me

To help rebuild my broken armor

Mirror, mirror can’t you see?

I’m no mirror

I’m broken shard

A useless glass

I don’t know what to do…

So I ask.

Mirror, mirror into my soul

Please reflect who I am

To all and most

Please allow the scars to stop

The bruises to heal

For someone to love me

The same way I love them

And know how I feel

I know you don’t speak often

For you are me

Or are you?

Are you my soul?

Or my brain?

Are the thing that's me gone?

That wants me dead?

That makes me cry?


Are the thing that makes me laugh.

That makes me smile.

That helps me at night

When all the evil come to steal all that makes me wild

Mirror, mirror answer me please.

Save me from this dark

I beg of you

Help me find the words

Those small words

Those words that help me understand the pain

Understand life

Understand me

And understand that

You, the mirror,

Are me.

And I, the human,

Am you.

We are the same.

No matter how far.

We both shatter and break.

We both struggle in the dark.

And even when the lights come back

We never truly forget

The deep dark black.

So mirror, mirror I finally know.

I know who you are.

And who I am, as well.

I am the girl who went through hell.

I am the girl who’s strange and weird,

Who enjoys paranormal things

And all things that is seen as weird.

I am the girl whose heart is marked with scars,

The girl who tries to make a difference

But doesn’t understand how far she’s gone

The girl criticizes herself

The girl who cries

The girl with great friends

And foes who lie.

I am the girl in the mirror

That girl is me

That’s me in the mirror

That mirror is me.

You are me.

You’ve been through my darkest days

And seen saddest hours.

You understand who I am.

And know I matter.

And for that I thank you

I thank that girl in the mirror.

The one who helped me get through all I went through.

I thank the mirror.

For being there.

And who knew I cared.

Those who stayed by my side

Even when

I began to cry.

Thank you all.

And thank you mirror.

And it’s time,

For me to reappear.

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