The mystical emotion (lesbian) | Teen Ink

The mystical emotion (lesbian)

May 27, 2022
By Aviv_Neighla BRONZE, New York, New York
Aviv_Neighla BRONZE, New York, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Abandoned. Abandoning my thoughts.
Greenish blue eyes staring. Metallic wires keeping us apart. Birds chirping, thoughts, her appearance flooding my thoughts. Fionn getting involved, my business. The money I'd give to be with her. Heavy rain pouring down the Estate of Baltimore Drive.

Desire. Conjuring an abyss. Conjuring attraction. Appalled at my appearance. The humid day, bright sun, long hours. Aching heart. Seen by beauty. Squealing kids surround. Fields of roses. Heroic achievements.

October. The mildly cold weather. Leaves falling. Excitement, laughter. Slipping fingers through her hair. Contradicting my love for her. Various scenarios surround me. Lips touching, soft caresses, small talk.

Flowers, blooming. Roses, Crocuses, Daisies, Irises. Her smile, her style. Can’t get her appearance out of my head. Straight wavy black hair, Marvel shirts, lifeless body, adorable laughter, light pink lips. A kiss on the lips. Entwined hair. Forbidden love. Caressing cheeks. Astounded friend. Shocked faces. Awkward silence. The kiss broken. Suffocating lungs. Shallow breaths.

August! The heat, the sunny sky. Her eyes remind me. The things I want us to do. The way I care about her. Protective friend. Complicated. Lipstick marks on my neck. My friends think I'm lying. “We kissed,” I said squealing. Eyes squinting.

Wires, Metal. Unable to hear her voice. Unable to feel her presence. Miles apart. Metaphorical caresses, kisses, hugs. Filled with sadness. Unable to concentrate.

Tears, sadness, crying. Heartbreak? Loving someone, fields of roses. Caresses cheek to cheek, lip to lip, mouth to mouth. Deserted alleyway, brick walls, leaning, lips parting, resume kiss.

Walking to get bubble tea. See her black hair, her beautiful eyes. I love her. Kiss her lips, she kisses me. I love this!

Straight wavy black hair, light pink lips, God's beauty. Extreme flexibility, protective friend. Olive keeping us apart. I don’t want to be apart. I want to be with you. Adorable Canadian accent. Sour patch kids. The love child of Candy! Her straight wavy black hair, flexible body, soft skin, beautiful style, adorable smile. Loving her. Hazel Grace meets Peter Parker. She looks at me I get butterflies, I feel nervous.

The author's comments:

These poems are my undescribable emotions, that croud my thoughts. 

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