I think of all those times... | Teen Ink

I think of all those times...

November 8, 2013
By samdewees GOLD, Farmington, New Mexico
samdewees GOLD, Farmington, New Mexico
19 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten." - Neil Gaiman

As leaves dance in the air
and the wind plays with my hair,
I think of all those times
where your hand was in mine.
When you held me tight.
Now the air is my companion,
cruel, harsh, and cold.

As the crickets started to sing
and the birds calmed their wings
I sit and think of all those times
where your laughter filled my head.
When your smile brighten my day.
Now, the creek is my joke partner
mocking me with it's gurgling laugh.

As the air started to grow cool,
and fish make ripples in a pool
I lay and I think of all those times
where you listened to my stories.
When you critiqued and praised.
Now the birds are my listeners
too busy to hear my words.

As the sky turned from blue to pink
and my eyes sleepily blinked.
I sleep and I dream of all those times
when your comfort is what you gave.
When you shielded me from harm.
Now my blankets are my shields
too selfish to protect me from nightmares.

When you lose your love, everything around you becomes a weak replacement of what they did.

The author's comments:
Definitely not my best, but it was in my journal.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Nov. 19 2013 at 1:09 pm
Amanda24 DIAMOND, Lynnfield, Massachusetts
81 articles 14 photos 26 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Move on. It's just a chapter in the past. But dont close the book, just turn the page.

Loved this so much!

on Nov. 18 2013 at 2:20 pm
writergirl1111 GOLD, Matthews, North Carolina
16 articles 0 photos 71 comments
LOVE the last line!!!