Maybe Someday... | Teen Ink

Maybe Someday...

January 8, 2014
By Anonymous

Amidst the ever changing skies
Our souls are intertwined.
Though the earth may pass us by
My life is yours and yours is mine.

We'll walk along and talk of love
And what it has to give.
Seeing the empty buildings above
Where we might want to live.

Filling its walls with memories past,
Seeing them fill with dust
Of the new one's that we'll make so fast
In their raging torrents and gusts.

Then someday we'll look back on it all
And find those long lost days,
When our lives are fleeting and the walls start to fall
To cling to our old ritualistic ways.

The author's comments:
I wanted to create a cliched love poem, and this was the outcome. Eh, it's alright...

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