A ballad for you | Teen Ink

A ballad for you

April 29, 2015
By AnnaOwen17 SILVER, Cedar City, Utah
AnnaOwen17 SILVER, Cedar City, Utah
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be yourself, everyone else is taken.

The endless tears
The endless pain
All the memories
Again are the same

You hurt me
Without a doubt
Saying you love me
Then pushing me out

Out I go
Till its convenient for you
Feeling all alone
You come out with no clue

Hurt me as you will
One day you’ll feel the pain
You say you care
But really you have nothing to gain

Friends or no friends
Tears, and disappointment are all endless
Times of pain
Hurt is friendless

Tears or sorrow
And heartache galore
Something you must know
The memories now are in store

You say you want to make things right but you haven’t
I can’t tell you how to make it right
Its up to you to choose
Friendship may seem like forever but love is bright

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