Ode to Winter | Teen Ink

Ode to Winter

January 12, 2016
By SappireWolf99 BRONZE, ~, Ohio
SappireWolf99 BRONZE, ~, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

You quickly swept through the silent night,
After the leaves fell and the last flower died.
As your icy face peered over the weary land,
        The last robin cried.
They should've known you were coming.
The signs showed throughout the end of the year.
As they went about their lives they grew unaware,
           You were already here

As the winds grew colder, and the leaves did turn,
The morning dew turned to frost, and snow covered grass that had grown.
Your arrival always comes as such a surprise but still,
      They should've known.

You'll swoop in like a storm, your bitterness bringing chills.
The hills glistening, as you have your fun.
It's clear as day, surely they all can see,
    Winter has begun.

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