In a Daze | Teen Ink

In a Daze

April 16, 2016
By evanom BRONZE, San Francisco, California
evanom BRONZE, San Francisco, California
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Alone in her room she sits,
Wiping away the tears, an action she frequently commits
Looks in the mirror, gives one hard stare,
“Why am I this way, this isn’t fair”.
Picking out every single flaw, everything wrong,
She just wants someone to come along
To help her overcome this,
To lead her to living with bliss.
Phone goes off, it’s her friend,
“K, I’ll be outside” and then she hits send.
Grabs her bag, out the door she goes,
With her friends, her sadness never shows.
Heading down the road, music blasting,
She wants this moment to be everlasting,
Because for a little while, she forgets the bad days,
And she forgets that her life is just one big haze.
Pull up to the destination with nothing to lose,
This is the life she wants to choose.
Knocks on the door, immediately welcomed in,
Tonight, she’ll commit a bunch of sins.
Vodka in one hand, water in the other,
And she keeps drinking, one after another.
She becomes loose, starts to wind down,
Tonight, in her emotions, she knows she’ll drown
Because she keeps digging her hole deeper and deeper,
And the hill to happiness is becoming steeper.
Her friends let her lose control,
And the alcohol starts to hit her soul.
She’s laying down on some worn out couch tripping out,
And all these crazy things she starts to think about.
Like if aliens do exist,
And why thinking about her ex she can’t resist
And why pencils were invented,
And why she invested
So many stupid feelings into a stupid guy,
And how she felt when he said goodbye.
She is in love with the unhealthiest things,
And she always clings
To the things that only break her more and more
And now she’s sitting on the bathroom floor,
With her phone in her hand, wasted as can be,
“But at least in this moment, no one’s around to see”
She looks up at the ceiling, mascara running down her face,
She feels as if she is in a constant race,
With herself and her mind,
And the reason for this she cannot find.

The author's comments:

a girl who is struggling to find who she really is and is broken and is trying to piece everything back together, but in the process of trying to do so, she is only hurting herself more and more, but she is unaware of this

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