It's You | Teen Ink

It's You

April 29, 2016
By Pasya BRONZE, Holiday, Florida
Pasya BRONZE, Holiday, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If I were the rain that binds together the Earth and the sky, whom in all eternity will never mingle, would I be able to bind two hearts together?

-Orihime Inoue, Bleach

I love you like summer rain

Always leaving the grass a brighter green
Changing my scenery unexpectedly

When you leave
The flowers will wilt with the crippling cold of winter

I love you like autumn leaves

Their beauty and the sweet
Crunch when you step on them

I reminisce of how I provoke you into conversation
And the sweet
Sound of your voice

I love you like the snowfall in winter

Sometimes you get too cold
So I hold you and let you melt in my arms

The way you gently touch my nose
Keeping me joyful and happy

I love you like ripe dandelions in spring

The way you spread into the air
Magical and instantly recognized for your radiance

Changing gold to white
Like your smile brings me hope when you're fully bloomed

I love you like no-one else

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