Saxophone Blues | Teen Ink

Saxophone Blues

July 12, 2018
By Regan14 SILVER, Florence, Kentucky
Regan14 SILVER, Florence, Kentucky
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Sometimes you have to fail to get where you need to be.

A young girl—
Out too late—
Running through a quiet urban city
searching for the sounds
That have been playing in her head

The radio gives her no help—
Those songs aren’t what she’s looking for
She craves and older more mature sound
The sound that only the dark night possesses

She can almost feel the sound,
It’s strength is almost feeding into her
She takes the bait
And makes her way to the old pub

She’s amazed by the Saxophone
And the blues lifting the air
She lets them fill her mind
And numb her surroundings

“Oh, sounds, why haven’t we met before?”
She cries out.
But the sounds keep playing
And drowning out her thoughts.
She now knows where she belongs.

The author's comments:

This is dedicated to my grandmother, because of her constant encouragement and feedback she gives me. This poem is very close to my heart, because it gives me that feeling of the bluesy music. 

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