Thirteen | Teen Ink


August 8, 2018
By Alison_star BRONZE, Calicut, Other
Alison_star BRONZE, Calicut, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When it’s raining look for rainbows
When it dark look for stars

my emotione are swimming                               my mind is blowing                                                My future is calling                                               I guess I only have one year left to be thirteen

i suddenly care about my hair                               I suddenly care about what I wear                          I  suddenly care about what others say                 oh boy this is leaving me astray                             I guess to be thirteen I’m only six months away

i wanna fit in with everybody.                                 Sometime be alone with nobody.                           My pride had taken over me.                                 Fake friends are something you’ll always see             I guess to be thirteen I only have months of three 

I’m devolving new fears which are not fun                My mind went for a jog and my heart for a run       I need support more than ever                           this period of time I’ll remember forever I’m sure      I guess now I’m thirteen 

The author's comments:

I’m recently became 13 and when I was 12 and a half as I was passing each stage I wrote this poem to express how I feel and find the change as I grew up with one year 

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