sisters | Teen Ink


August 21, 2018
By alliewicks SILVER, Lake Bluff, Illinois
alliewicks SILVER, Lake Bluff, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Gold gleams bright

A stripe of unity encasing my delicate fingers

A crescent moon smiles up at me

Counterintuitive to the middle finger it rests on

The moon

Years ago

My mom once told me

Smile lines painting her warm features

“Your sister is the moon”

And she was right.

The moons comforting glow

Shining determinedly from the endless black

A light at the end of the tunnel

My sister is the moon.

On my left hand

The finger of love and marriage

Rests two tiny stars

Shining like a sunrise against my pale skin

The stars

If my sister is the moon

I am the stars



And forever by her side

I am the stars.

The author's comments:

Poem Reflection:

I got the inspiration for this piece from the rings a wear on a daily basis. This is because they depict the same stars and moon that my mom has on her own fingers. I was told from a young age that my dad gave each ring to my mom the year that my and katy, my sister,  were born respectively. Therefore throughout my piece, I incorporated the symbolism of the moon and stars in regards to the lives of me and my sisters and our personalities. I brainstormed by looking at the rings on my fingers and trying to describe them without naming them explicitly, this is a trick my teacher from last year taught me in order to improve my skills with imagery. Some major revisions within my piece was in adding more figurative language. This is because I added an additional simile towards the end of the poem; this way there would be elements of figurative language incorporated evenly throughout the piece and not just in the beginning. I struggled with the opening lines of the poem because I wanted to describe the way the rings looked on my hands, however I did not want to simply talk about their image, I wanted to paint the scene in the reader's mind.  To do this I avoided ever saying the word “ring” to challenge myself to convey the idea the image of jewelry without explicitly telling the reader. I am extremely proud of the symbolism throughout the poem because I utilized the rings on my hands to represent both the stars and the moon, in addition to how this symbol also represented me and my sister. This piece works well for me because there is very strong imagery and word choice. This allowed me to take a relatively short and simple poem and weave meaning into its message. I experimented with stanza structure and figurative language in this piece. This is because I utilized stanza structure in order to work in a pattern of 4 1 4 as well as organising the piece chronologically and describing the meaning of the rings in the order the reader would see them on my hands.I challenged myself to use more figurative language throughout the poem by adding in personification, repetition, metaphors, and two similes.

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