shark tooth | Teen Ink

shark tooth

August 21, 2018
By alliewicks SILVER, Lake Bluff, Illinois
alliewicks SILVER, Lake Bluff, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Bare feet press into the sand

Indents leave a small trail, revealing the past

Clean white grains are the future, plain as a canvas

Blue currents paint the warm beach

I feel the cool brush of crystal water over my sandy feet

Erasing the inferfections covering the ground

Glittering shells are hidden momentarily in the endless blue

Anticipation colors my relaxed mind as the tide retracts

Eyes rapidly search for tiny black triangles

Stark contrast against the monotonous white

I feel the warm morning rays shine over my tanned skin

Relaxed like a hug in times of comfort

Suddenly i see it

As my hand reaches out i feel tanned fingers wrap around the small treasure

It is cool and wet in the palm of my hand

The small black tooth shines triumphantly against my skin

I keep my reward tight within my grasp

The author's comments:

this piece centers around the memory of looking for shark teeth at the beach neer my grandparetns house as a child.

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