Untitled Part 1 | Teen Ink

Untitled Part 1

August 28, 2018
By lahebenstreit SILVER, Lincoln, Nebraska
lahebenstreit SILVER, Lincoln, Nebraska
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I go to seek a great perhaps.

I want you to stay

Don’t turn your back to leave

I cannot see your eyes when you go

But I know how they glisten

I know how their gaze will start fires in my soul

And should I hear you speak

When we lay together

Gentle heads on soft pillow

Your whispers will echo off my empty heart

And even though I cannot smell your strong cologne

I know how it lingers on my clothes in the dark

Making the walk home safe

Your arms around me

Allowing your smell to seep into my bones

I cannot feel your hands on my skin

The tender caress of my cheek

Or the pull of my hair

But oh when you touch me again

How fast the dark depths inside of me burn

And should I taste your tongue against my teeth

As we playfully steal breathes from one another

Be warned that I am at your call

I will melt in your hands

I will linger with you

Until you call me home

The author's comments:

I wrote this first piece on a whim when I found myself thinking of love and how it feels to absorb every thing you can about the one person you feel connected to.

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