I Am The Sun and The Sun Is Me | Teen Ink

I Am The Sun and The Sun Is Me

September 18, 2018
By Anonymous

Freckled skin glows

Rays of light beaming from dewy skin

Coppery curly hair frizzes and bounces

Piano smile intensifies

Eyes close shut with happiness

Eyelashes curling up

Blonde at the tips

Freckled sun spotted arms

Raised towards the sky

A lone freckle on peachy pale lips grows a shade darker

Chest open, free to the air

Belly exposed and warm

Hip bones like fiddles

Whose music invites me to dance in fields of yellow and green

Spine curving into milky legs

Muscular and thick

Onto tiptoes

Attached to bony bare feet

Dirty with the earth

Dancing among the flowers

Cat tails and silver grass

Draping yellow dress

Blooming with my body as the stem

I am the sun

And the sun is me

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on Dec. 13 2018 at 1:17 pm
Hailey.Elizabeth SILVER, Des Plaines, Illinois
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never underestimate the courage it takes to just keep going" ~Ashley Wylde

This is sooooooo good!