I wish I was from | Teen Ink

I wish I was from

September 20, 2018
By emilycathryn SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
emilycathryn SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from an unaccepting world.

Where from the time born, I lived to conform;

society set the standard and it demands following.

I wish I was from a place where living as an individual satisfies,

a place where people feel accepted.

Somewhere I enjoy surviving as myself.

I am from an individualistic country.

Where the population looks out for themselves;

society operating on personal growth.

I wish I was from a place where people love others, as they love themselves,

a place where love prevails over hate.

Somewhere we care for each other.

I am from a smug, arrogant community.

Where intellect isn’t enough;

society serves as the judge and jury of what victory is.

I wish I were equal,

from a place where money does not mean enjoying a step above.  

Where what exists on the inside matters.

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