Red House Views | Teen Ink

Red House Views

September 20, 2018
By P1zzaR0lls33 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
P1zzaR0lls33 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the red house on the hill that looks out over Hartland,

from parents who are not alike but are perfect for each other,

from a sister born in Guatemala, I can stand.

I am from rap music and dreams of luxury,

from staying up watching the sun creep below the horizon,

from days on the lake surfing bumping Gucci.

I am from bike rides, hitting shop by shop to park by park,

from the passion for sports playing day and night,

from driving without a purpose seeing if I can reach 120.

I am from flying planes dreaming of becoming a pilot,

from wondering where I will be in five years

from reaching for the stars.

I am from “If you don't work hard you will be nothing” repeatedly,

from slacking off

from not working hard

I am from  adventures first even if it’s a habit

from my worst self to like LeBron in the finals,

from climbing and grinding to the mountaintop

I am from forgiato rims on my racer,

From Cuban links on me my back hurts

From Versachee kicks big stepping on my haters.

I am from big baller brand zo2 what you rocking.

From wiping my butt with blue bills

From staying humble

I am from the red house on the hill that looks out over Hartland,

I am from bike rides, hitting shop by shop to park by park,

I am from “If you don't work hard you will be nothing”,

I am from forgiato rims on my racer,

I am from the red house on the hill that looks out over Hartland,

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