Enjoying Times | Teen Ink

Enjoying Times

September 20, 2018
By Matt2018 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
Matt2018 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm from unknown times, where family

vacations persist of boldest of times,

from the treacherous road trips.

I'm from playing games with my

brother, from weeping disappointment

when Pac Man died.

I’m from confusing times with my dad,

from fixing cars to learning how to drive

ATV’s and go karts.

I'm from going up north emptiness  

but my dad, brother and me, from free

animals to sitting around the firepit.

I’m from fun times by myself, listening to

the whine of my remote control car engine.

From the screeching of tires on pavement and

grinding of gears metal on metal.

I’m from the impenetrable times, from silent school

schedules and dreadful assemblies.

From cramped to enormous schools, meeting

new friends.

I'm from enjoyable times, from

losing family members to getting a new dog,

from times that make me smile my teeth off

and times that make You as sad as sand, incredible, disgraceful

and memorizable times.

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