Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 20, 2018
By 0riphenburg SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
0riphenburg SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from waking up before the sun rises,

Coffee, workouts and fishing

I’m from being under the lights when the audience is watching,

Green turf, Cheering and whistles blowing

I’m from running on the cloud like grass,

Playing with by brother and friends

Feet racing, heart pounding, sweat dripping as I pursue the ball

I’m from the sizzling steak to the blood red juices seeping down the counter

Papa dives the tip of of the knife deep in the steak

I’m from swimming in the lake,

Water splashing and feet cut up from zebra mussels

Getting bit from horse flies to driving the golf cart up and down the lawn

I’m from Loud music and late nights,

Hanging with the boys and singing along with country

“Cold beer on a friday night, a pair of jeans that fit just right”

I’m from the alarm clock screaming at me like my coach does,

to the warm shower in the morning before school

I’m from waking up before the sun rises

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