Where I am From | Teen Ink

Where I am From

September 20, 2018
By Scordjoe_Pierock BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Scordjoe_Pierock BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from the Irish and Italians.

Years of artistry and strategy,

stubbornness and beauty,

the ocean the land,

cathedrals to castles, and

a boy turned man but yet

a man still a boy.

From playing knights in the woods

to building my first castle. One of

wood, one of stone, and one

underground. Buying my

first sword, shield, and

armor, also the same but for my brothers.

From kingdoms and countries of forgotten tales

to imaginations of youth to reality.

I’m from the history of my people.

That of Giuseppe Scordato one of Garibaldi’s

commander's, to the—Massacre—at Dursey

a lone isle of Ireland...

from the Chief Engineer for the

Roman Empire, to the humble lives

of the Secular Franciscans, and to

that of the same of the Roman Catholics.

From a father who tries to change America for

the better by redeeming American Engineering.

To a mother who tries to change the world

through her children's international and local music.

From older sisters who who play music like angels

to four younger ones who eager to learn from

their three eldest siblings.

I’m from the living GOD who created me

and I’m from the love of the Crucifixion

which is poured out to me.

To the boats on the lake to the kayakes

with friends, to the dream of the mountains and

Gregorian chant. To celtic knotwork going on like the ocean

from the view of a cliff, and to the fight for freedom

from Satan and Sin. On to chess with expert strategies

used in colleges. From the woods of Wisconsin and the

cliffs of cave point, and from moments I spend with my loved ones in mind.

Fore I’m from the Irish and Italians.

With years of artistry and strategy,

stubbornness and beauty,

the ocean the land,

cathedrals to castles, and

still boy turned man but yet

again—a man still a boy...

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