I am From | Teen Ink

I am From

September 21, 2018
By zunk1313 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
zunk1313 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from a home engulfed by woodland.

From a everlasting cold breeze that would haunt me at night.

From the “middle of nowhere”.

I am from the calm lakes.

From which I feel the sun rays touch my skin.

From smiles and memories on a Mastercraft with friends.

I am from the gridiron.

From bruises to concussions.

From wins and loses.

I am from the diamond.

From the hot corner to the batter's box.

From chewed gum and sunflower seeds.

I am from hard work and tunnel vision.

From hours going on days spent in the gym.

From blood and sweat.

I am from forever lasting car rides with my Dad

From being bored all I can do is watch the road move past me

From counting how many Mustangs I see.

I am from experiences that have made me who I am.

From watching comedy movies that shaped my humour.

From capitalizing off of my mistakes.

I am from the calm lakes.

From which I overheat and bake.

From smiles and memories on a Mastercraft with friends.

I am from a home engulfed by woodland.

From a everlasting cold breeze that would haunt me at night.

From the “middle of nowhere.”

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