Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 21, 2018
By fadoodle BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
fadoodle BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the five green acres of Louis Joliet

the laughter of the kids on the swings and jungle gym on a summer day.

The evenings lit up with the fireflies and flashlight tag,

the loud buzz of the cicadas leads to the screams of people on carnival rides,

Hundreds of colors up and down the midway light up the night sky like fireworks.

I am from the cluttered kitchen cabinets and sink overflowing with dishes.

The bedroom floors covered in laundry,

and the living room floor riddled with toys of my sister and I.

The songs of Thomas the tank engine play in the background,

while i’m the conductor of the tracks being laid out on the carpet.

I am from 60 feet of hard work and determination.

Hours of practice with urethane and resin,

aiming for 300 is the ultimate victory.

Eight balls in tow for the league, tournament, the victory.

I am from my dad’s side of the family.

A husky clan of German tradition,

My grammy playing old German christmas songs on the piano that were out of tune.

Served holiday meals of unknown foods,

While hearing the humming of the mechanical carolers holding one single candle

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