September 24, 2018
By Wild_thoughts21 BRONZE, Kolkata, Other
Wild_thoughts21 BRONZE, Kolkata, Other
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Today I met a boy, a small kiddo;

He was six probably, holding fingers of his mother

His mother playing with him, singing him songs

The world was on one side and the both of them were on the other

the boy kissed his mother, cause he loved her

to him she meant the world and the infinity in one soul

and to the mother, the boy was her heartbeat and impulse

Their worlds were so connected…

one couldn’t breathe without other.

I met another boy today, he was my age or more

He was also with his mother, his mother trying to hold him

He was on facebook and earphones plugged

They were together but on two different sides of the world

The mother tried kissing her son, and he shrugged her hands off

She was about to fall when the other mother held her

And the former’s son was busy swiping right on tinder

It seemed she was blind without him,

But he, he was the son who couldn’t care less.


Its strange how people change with the changing night

The people responsible for our sole existence

Are the ones we turn our back to.

All I heard then was the small boy speak to his mother

I would never do this to you

But it was only night which could say so.

The author's comments:

This article is about how we grow up to forget our own existence, and focuses on mother-son relation. 

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