Be Free | Teen Ink

Be Free

September 24, 2018
By kaleeSchaefer BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
kaleeSchaefer BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I sit and I wonder

How can the the bird fly

But alas

The fly cannot bird

What restricts that fly to not be able to bird

Is it being trapped in his short lifetime

Or for the hours it takes him to put in contacts

Is it his papery wings

With a beautiful pattern

That are useless in the wind

But the poor bird

Is trapped in her nest

Pushed out of her home at a young age

Without a beautiful tail or a beautiful voice

No mate will she find

She must bow to societal norms

So I sit and I wonder

Maybe just maybe

Is a bird really as free

As we all think she is

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