Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 25, 2018
By sarxoxo GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
sarxoxo GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the family that was trying to pay for my gymnastics.

I am from the family that didn’t have enough money for the kids to play sports,

I’m the girl that no one wanted to be friends with.

I am from the family that kept to themselves,

I am from the family who “fought like cats and dogs” locked in a room together, hatred filled the air.

I am the girl who was sleepy, sad and sorrowful.

I am from the family that has it all but no one could tell,

I am from the family who loves like no other, loves like there is no more love to be given

I am the girl cherished the moments that most people think did not matter.

I am from the family who is a swarm of butterflies— beautiful, strong and               untouchable.
I am from the family having game night on a Saturday instead of going out,

I am the girl who is dreaming big, and smiling to her bright, buoyant blue eyes.

I am from the family who has each others backs like cars in heavy traffic,

I am from the family who is blessed for success,

I am the girl who was lively, laughing and looking good.

I am from the family that was just trying to make ends meet.

I am from the family that stayed optimistic— throughout it all,

I am the girl who never lost hope and always stayed humble.

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