Flower Garden | Teen Ink

Flower Garden

September 28, 2018
By lahebenstreit SILVER, Lincoln, Nebraska
lahebenstreit SILVER, Lincoln, Nebraska
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I go to seek a great perhaps.

F**k sunflowers

They are happiness sick

Those damn yellow little pricks

Calling for bees to drink from them

But I’ll cut them all at the stem

Because he drank from me too

It was my heart he was trying to woo

F**k roses

They once were white

Lovers hands closed tight

Stories of Aphrodite and Adonis

His death left a woman to bleed from the rawness

He was my greek fairytale

I too bled on white roses for a male

F**k Irises

They scream blue depression

Almost worse than some sh***y jazz session

Hearing them call for my secrets

They don’t want to know the sad bleakness

He begged for me to share my blue

But decided I was just someone to screw

F**k your garden

The place my soft heart hardened

You opened the gates to a lost soul collector

Kept silent as he drank my sweet nectar

He was a religion forcing me onto bruised knee

Prayed as I fought but he still took it from me

You watched my innocence die

And your garden stood stand-by

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