You Deserve The World | Teen Ink

You Deserve The World

October 3, 2018
By Anonymous

“you deserve the world”

i used to think that meant him

but when your world starts to burn

you begin to question what you ever did to light that match

what you ever did to get a once wide open door slammed in your face

“i deserved the world?”

i began to question that thought

maybe what i deserved wasn’t what i was originally expressed

maybe i didn’t deserve the world

but then i began to realize

that even when a door burns

where there is fire, there is still light

i saw that i was not confined to that one world

i was not confined to deserve him

i didn’t deserve him

because i deserved the world.

The author's comments:

When asked about life's hardest and most defining moments, I was asked to tell my story in a way that I felt most in my element, and this is what that is. 

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