Diamonds | Teen Ink


October 3, 2018
By BRONZE, Cumming, Georgia BRONZE, Cumming, Georgia
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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"She wears strength and darkness equally well, the girl has always been half goddess, half hell" - Nikita Gill

Over the clinks of glasses

And sweet haze of bourbon grasp

I spot the wink of a diamond

Before she passes

She flirts with the light

Who kisses her, unaware of the lie

More toxic than the drink in her veins

I’m worried she’ll start a fight

But rather we think she’ll cry

Then she winks in her high

Charms the swaying room with a laugh

And saying goodbye

Glittering out of sight

Swaying those hips with a free vibe

We all simultaneously remember

Diamonds are hard, but colder than night

The author's comments:

This poem's mood was inspired by the song Alone by Halsey, but the overall theme comes from my experience with today's teenage generation. We often feel emotions stronger than most and have been through a lot of pain, thus protecting the people we care about from it. This is a reminder that not all of us are like that and hurt people might pass that pain on. 

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