Stillness at Last | Teen Ink

Stillness at Last

October 6, 2018
By Zahran_M SILVER, Santa Barbara, California
Zahran_M SILVER, Santa Barbara, California
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nous vous prions respecter ces consigns pour le bonne fonctionment de cet apparail. (Translation: We pray that you respect these here instructions, for the good functionality of this appliance.)

The last rays of sunlight had vanished behind the hills, cloaking the land in a shroud of darkness. Nighthawks and owls awoke from their daytime sleep, descending from the treetops like clouds of falling leaves. On the nearby road, a night bus glided past. Calm blue light shone through its window glass. I watched until it vanished, glad to've seen it pass. Then all was dark and quiet. Stillness... At last.

The author's comments:

This poem symbolizes one of my fundemental life-ideals: In my preferred (and rather idealistic) residential location, I would live close enough to a bus line to have access to a nearby town, yet far enough from the urban center that I can't see the city lights at night. This could apply to any location, in almost any country.


When I first wrote "Stillness at Last", I'd planned to use it as the starting paragraph of a short story project I'd been working on. However, the end result sounded too poetic to fit in with the more objective tone used in the rest of the story, so I created a standalone poem based off of that one paragraph.

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