Hairline | Teen Ink


October 24, 2018
By P1zzaR0lls33 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
P1zzaR0lls33 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My friends have hair.Nick's hair moves like a ocean wave and speaks retro times. He slicks it back and it gives off a chill guy vibe. Roberntoe's hairline smells like a car crash-trying not to look but you have to, his hair could turn people to stone. Talk about a bowl cut. That fade is fugly. Elijah's hairline gives off a birds nest look. Looking through it you would find bird eggs or noodles trying to escape. Kemps hair is spiky and hurts like a porcupine. But the dude wouldn't hurt a fly. The shape of the bermuda triangle and the smell of a dumpster fire. That's Ribbits hair, cool guy though. 1800 Jack boy has hair that moves in swirls and curls into place. A person that's incapable of a bad hair day with his luscious locks. Thomas the tank has humble hair. Looks like a sandy beach that doesn't end. Banard, hair like the flash, big bedhead. Similar hair to roberntoes

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Beast mode

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