The Sense of Hunting | Teen Ink

The Sense of Hunting

October 24, 2018
By outdoorkid SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
outdoorkid SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Walking out to my stand—crisp leaves crunch under my feet, dry corn stalks

rub against each other in the wind, and leaves fall from the trees.

The brisk fall breeze brushes my face, as squirrels run, and tweety

birds fly past.

Approaching my stand—my walk slows and I focus on

where I place my feet. Fewer leaves crunch. I notice

every movement and sound. I set my sight on the ladder

and focus on being as swift as possible.

In my stand—the leaves blow and the squirrels crack the

dry crisp leaves littered on the ground. Then, the very pronounced,

broken stick, from the footstep of a deer, echos through

the woods. Every other sound is tuned out and I focus on the deer.

A deer is spotted—I realize how fortunate I am

to see nature's true beauty—fall colors, animals, and sounds.

Hunting is not about the killing. It is about the appreciation for

nature and animals.

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