Tiny | Teen Ink


October 26, 2018
By robbjade BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
robbjade BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
4 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" There are always hard times, but you can always recover even in your worst moments."

I may be tiny

I may be shiny

But most of all I am smart

Height is not what represents your heart

I may be short

I may be a cork

The world is still big to me

But my mind is open to thee

Nothing is better than opening your doors

Since many things, I do are closer to the floors

Everyone is still around us for who we are

However, size doesn’t matter anymore

I may be little

I may be whittle

The times I tried to do my best

The others I become too stressed

I pushed hard and I worked hard

To prove that I am worthy

Those who helped me through

Still, have helped through the blue

I may be mini

I may be bitty

But I have overcome the impossible

I have tried my best to lengthen in the possibility

Though I have a hard time with my own humidity

Many times I fall

But many times I stand tall

I may be puny

I may be teeny

But I have many features to be shown

They hide behind my little mind waiting to be heard

When I say, people may think I am a nerd

Though I am from somewhere else my dreams still wonder

However, some dreams may even go under


I may be wee

I may be pocket-sized

But I have a background different from many

There are reasons for plenty

Though I may be an orphan

I stand tall and proud

I may even be too loud

Through all the rough patches

The candles are still lit from the matches

The little details of my story may have your heart crack

Hard times still lead me to track back

The time I read my background from my adoption

I may be microscopic

I may be bitsy

But my parents had an option

And that’s how I got to adoption

The time I read my background

I became to recognize that my heart had turned and blackened

From the messages that I read

And the papers said

I had been undocumented

And read that I had been an abandoned

I was very saddened

I may be yea big

I may be a midget

But I have the smarts to prove

That a family this willing can move

My heart from the very start

Even if it means going back fourteen years in the heart.

The author's comments:

As I have been through life, going through my freshmen year as a little teenager. I have had a hard time with sports and have always been supported by my family with school work. I have been through adoption when I was nine months and was left on the streets. 

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