Ode to Softball | Teen Ink

Ode to Softball

November 7, 2018
By lexi-melton BRONZE, Vinita, Oklahoma
lexi-melton BRONZE, Vinita, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You, softball, are the object of my praise

Through you, I've been taught lessons on and off the field

You've taught me how to accept failure

And how to be humble in success. 


Game day:

Thoughts of you have been on my mind all day

My heart beats faster and faster like a drum.

I feel the nervousness crawling up my throat

It's only 10 a.m.

I can't focus on my work.

Butterflies -- No! Dragons! In my stomach

They itch to be set free!

Two o'clock, batting practice

The loud sound of the pitching machine echos

As if there are thousands of hummingbirds in the facility

It's coming, swing

The power, the strength, the hit

Featherless, sending numbness through my hands and arms

Five o'clock

The sun glares on my face as sweat begins to build

I see the ball connect with the bat

Soar through the cloudless, baby blue sky.

I track it to my glove. 

I catch it, transition, and throw

Game time, right field

Shifted to the left for a pull hitter

My mind tells me to be ready for the ball in right field

I am right

The swift movement of my body as if it were taking over

Bad hop, ball gets past me. Dashing to it

I feel the disappointment and anger fill me

Next inning, I see the ball glide over my head after taking a bad read

I want to give up, and be benched. 

My teammates get us out of the inning

Down 3-4

I stand on the fence, cheering on my teammates up to bat

We get on, two outs, we have last at bat

Runner on first, freshman up to bat

She bunts, runs over first, runs, scores.


Overthrow home, freshman goes to third

Overthrow third, freshman scores


We win!

Cheers and screaming engulf the whole field

Even through my mess-ups, my team had my back, and they pulled me from a slump.


Because of you, softball, I have learned

Even when I don't perform my best

My team will be there to back me up.

The author's comments:

In this piece, I wanted to show people through my eyes. I wanted to show how I thought and how my body reacts to each play. Softball has played a tremendous role in my life. Since it is such a big part of me, I thought that it would be the best subject to write about. 

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 28 2018 at 4:13 pm
CapeCrusader608, Grove, Oklahoma
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
I'm so proud of you Lexi Melton!! I love how you articulated your feelings and let us feel them through your experiences!!

This girl is not only a talented on the field, but obviously talented in the class room and most importantly talented off the field.

Lexi is intelligent, powerful, responsible, loyal, determined and has an amazing sense of humor! If she a fair representative of our youth, then our future is bright!

Love ya kiddo!!